On April 5, 2022, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion to establish the Office of Environmental Justice and Climate Health (OEJCH). The goal of OEJCH is to advance the County's commitment to improve public health outcomes and reduce public health disparities in communities overburdened by pollution exposure and poor air quality. The directive included the development of a strategic plan and shifting the Office's focus from emergency response to prevention.
Key focus areas of the strategic plan will include:
Community Engagement and Partnerships
Nurture community relationships to ensure interactive communication and develop community-driven solutions. -
Interagency Coordination and Governmental Engagement
- Cultivate collaboration between public, private, and community partners to develop solutions to environmental and climate health threats.
- Track, inform and develop impactful environmental justice and climate health policies.
- Collect, interpret, and share accessible, actionable environmental justice and climate health data and information with partners and the public to highlight emerging issues and trend analyses to actively inform policies and programs.
Accountability and Communications
- Develop and foster communications to keep the community and partners informed of the roles, responsibilities, and progress of the OEJCH.
Strategic Plan 2024-2029
We extend our gratitude to all the stakeholders and community members that gave input and supported the strategic planning process.
Draft Strategic Plan 2024-2029
Summary of public comments incorporated into the strategic plan [Pending]
Public comments received during the 30-day public comment period [Pending]
Strategic Planning Process
From August 2023 to September 2024, the Office of Environmental Justice and Climate Health in collaboration with Estolano Advisors and five community-based partners, hosted nine community workshops across the County to invite input to help shape the Office's priorities for the next five years. Additionally, the following engagements were completed:
- Two strategy sessions with OEJCH Leadership
- Eight interviews with DPH staff and a small group interview with the Regional Health Officers
- Eight external interviews with County partners/key stakeholders
- Four interviews with Tribal organizations
- One external focus group with County partners
- Two sessions with an Internal Advisory Committee.
- Thirty-day public comment period
Past Meetings | Resource(s) |
Virtual Countywide MeetingJanuary 25, 2024 |
If you would like to receive periodic updates, and/or announcements from our office send an email titled "Listserv" to DPH-OEJCH@ph.lacounty.gov with your contact information.
Climate Effects on Health
Learn About How Extreme Heat Impacts Health
- Learn how extreme heat impacts health (pdf in development) - Coming Soon!
- Find out how to Stay Healthy as Our Weather Gets Hotter
- Implement 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Climate Change